What's on in Hampshire

Easter Holidays Family Day Out at Hogshaw Farm
5 April @ 10:00 am - 21 April @ 5:30 pm

Spring is one of the best times at Hogshaw Farm & Wildlife Park as new life appears once again. This Easter holidays in Buckinghamshire brings a fresh new season with bouncy lambs, goat kids, hatchlings and even special appearances from the Easter Bunny!
Easter Bunny & Friends
Meet special guest, the Easter Bunny, with regular appearances throughout the day and the opportunity to take photos. Also, meet and learn more about the resident rabbits & guinea pigs everyday during the Spring on the Farm event at Hogshaw Farm.
The Big Hatch
Visit the hatchery in the Animal Barn to see the eggs as they incubate and get the chance to hold a cute little hatchling! Hogshaw Farm be welcoming lots of new chicks to the farm over the Easter period to expand the brood in our chicken enclosure! How many will you see hatch?
Spring Babies
It wouldn’t be Spring without lambs and kids! Hogshaw Farm’s gorgeous flock of lambs are already bouncing around the barn and they’re expecting goat kids for Easter too. Get hands on with daily lamb bottle feeding sessions and learn more from our farm team about how we help these little ones to thrive.