Kayaking For Beginners: 10 Things to Consider To Make Their First Time in the Water Exciting

kayaking tips, getting started kayaking, beginners guide to kayaking

Being near water makes you feel like all your problems have flown away. Now imagine floating in the middle of the sea; the tranquility and peace that accompanies you is something we all wish to have. However, only a few brave enough to brace kayaking have the luxury of enjoying it.

Although a challenging water sports activity, with commitment and determination, you also can enjoy it. But to be safe while in the water, you must consider the following things.

1. Taking Lessons

Before venturing into the vast water in a kayak, you must take much-needed kayaking lessons. During these lessons, you’ll learn the following:

How to Enter Your Kayak

You can enter your kayak from the shores, dock, or water. If you skip this lesson, be prepared to slip into the water more than once as you attempt to get in.

Different Strokes

You will learn the different types of strokes associated with kayaking, such as the forward stroke, which is the most common and helps propel your kayak forward.

Reverse stroke is the opposite of forwarding stroke, and it’s best used when you want to propel your kayak forward after having stopped for a while. And the final stroke is the sweep stroke which helps you turn your kayak. Sweep stroke is almost similar to forward stroke. You will have to form a wider carve with your paddle on one side of your kayak.

Learning proper paddling techniques will reduce fatigue and prevent injuries while having an exciting time in the water.

Another important lesson you will get is how to sit safely in your kayak, paddle, and steer your kayak correctly.

Kayaking signals

While you are out in the vast waters, communicating can be difficult as the turbulent water swallows your voice. So learn the signals and hand gestures kayakers use to communicate. It might not be easy learning all of them at once, but make a point of memorizing the essential ones.


While kayaking is fun, it also carries its dangers, such as capsizing, and if you are not an avid swimmer and quick on your feet, you might end up drowning. As such, every person looking to join kayaking must learn basic self-rescuing skills. Procure the services of an experienced instructor. Some of the basic skills include:

  • It would help if you learned how to turn your kayak after it capsizes without getting out.
  • Learn how to exit from a flipped kayak safely
  • Learn how to re-enter your kayak in the water after rolling it over after capsizing.
  • Practice these lessons in controlled waters with the help of an instructor.

2. Join a Kayak Club

You can choose to join a kayak club, as here, you will get access to resources and instructors who will make your kayaking journey much faster. You also get to join a community of other kayakers, and there is a possibility of forming lasting friendships.

And once you get the basics down, you’ll have people ready to go out into the water with you to provide guidance and show you secret spots. The club will also be the best place to store your kayak.

3. Choose the Right Kayak

You see how you fit clothes and feel this is the one; your kayak should also feel the same. While choosing, you must keep your needs and ability in mind; since you are starting, look for a beginner-friendly kayak. Since there are many kayaks in the market, ranging in shape to size, buy from a reputable brand and ask the store owner to recommend the best for beginners.

The kayak you choose should also be easy to store and transport.

4. Life Jacket

Another thing that’s a must-have is a life jacket. This is a requirement by law that everyone, kids and adults, must wear a life jacket when venturing into the water. It doesn’t matter whether you are a pro swimmer or on a short trip; the law demands it.

5. Clothing

When paddling, you will get wet irrespective of how careful you are. Kayakers are at a high risk of experiencing cold shock and hypothermia. As such, they are advised to dress appropriately. They are to avoid light cotton clothing. Instead, they should wear a wet or a dry suit depending on the weather.

The difference between wetsuits and drysuits is that a wetsuit is suitable for cold water. With a wetsuit, you‘ll get wet but can also move easily in water. And chances of getting cold with a loose-fitting wetsuit are pretty high. On the other hand, drysuits are waterproof, and kayakers and divers mostly use them. It would help if you also packed extra clothes to change into when you get out of the water.

6. Weather

Before setting off, check the weather forecast, as you don’t want to be caught in a storm.

7. Safety

You must put your safety into consideration when kayaking. So, ensure that you take a first aid kit with you, a whistle, and a waterproof flashlight to alert others when you are having problems. You must also carry a waterproof bag to place everything you don’t want to get wet, like your phone.

8. Quality Paddle

Your paddles are everything, yes, you’ll have to buy the starter kit in the beginning, but after you have gained experience, you must invest in a quality paddle.

9. Kayaking Destination

Since you are just starting, you should continue practicing in calm waters such as the lakes and bays. Do not venture into turbulent rivers as your paddling is not quite there, and you might be overwhelmed if your kayak happens to be capsized. So, get used to being in the water and practicing your paddling.

10.  Exercising

Paddling takes a lot of energy, and if you don’t have a habit of exercising, you’ll get tired in no time. So make a habit of hitting the gym and eating right if you plan on engaging in water sports activities.

Final Thoughts

Kayaking is a pleasant way to spend a day with friends; you can opt to form a competition or have fun out on the vast water. If it’s your first kayaking, you must consider the above factors to enjoy this adrenaline-charged water sport.


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